Michael T Haas – The Benefits of Exercising

Michael T Haas is a venture capital investor passionate about health.

The absolute majority of scientific studies about exercise show how beneficial it is. Given the number of benefits a person can obtain even from mild exercise, it may seem absolutely extraordinary that the majority of people in the United States do not exercise at all. However, the explanation of this fact is very simple. Exercising and building endurance require people to get out of their comfort zones and experience discomfort and sometimes even pain. At the same time, the benefits of exercising do not appear immediately, which is why most people quit before the benefits even occur.

Working out has a powerful positive impact on health, energy levels, and both mental and physical performance. The publication of Kenneth Cooper’s book Aerobics in the 1960s was one of the reasons why people realized that sustained aerobic or steady-state exercise is the best way to get in shape, lose weight, and become fit.

Typical recommended exercise routines for most people include thirty minutes of exercise three to five days a week. Several recent studies have also found that very short periods of aerobic activity, up to sixty seconds, can also lead to positive changes in health.

Interval training is one of the best exercises for both physical benefits and the requirements of modern life for all kinds of people, including successful investors like Michael T Haas. Sprinting, walking up and down the stairs, cycling, and weightlifting all help increase and lower the heart rate.

Michael T Haas – How to Get Started with Minimalism

Michael T Haas is an accomplished investor interested in renewable energy, agriculture and minimalism. The best way to get started on the path to minimalism is to go through a phase of self-awareness and self-realization. Think about what matters to you, what you need, and what you don’t. Unfortunately, today too many people spend all their time chasing new things. They don’t stop to think about the things they already have, yet this is exactly what you should do. From clothes that we can’t remember wearing to an old laptop that is no longer in use, we all have things of minimal value to us that could be of great help to someone else.

Michael T Haas

Being a minimalist doesn’t mean that you need to get rid of the majority of your belongings. You can start with a challenge in which you pack some of the things and try to live without them. It is perfectly okay if you realize that you actually do need some of the things you thought you could do without.

Once you go through the phase of self-realization, create a specific plan. Use your time to get closer to living the minimalistic lifestyle. Take one step at a time and do not rush. Pick a day to go through your clothes. Try separating them into what you wear all the time and what you don’t need. Test if you have to. Take a break for a few days and then do the same with your furniture. Continue going through your home until you declutter it completely, even if it does take some time. This is one of the critical steps to attaining minimalism.

Finally, get to action and get rid of the things that you don’t need just like Michael T Haas would do.

Michael T Haas – Introduction to Modern Minimalism

Michael T Haas is an investor who doesn’t spend all his money buying useless things. A lot of people today are busy trying to buy more and more things without stopping and asking themselves what it is that they are chasing and whether they need those things in the first place. They become so blinded by their obsessive desire to get more materialistic things that they end up losing their inner peace and tranquility.

This is where a minimalistic lifestyle often comes in. Many of those who are not familiar with minimalism confuse it with absolute simplicity, which is not the case. Minimalism is a lifestyle in which people are clear about what’s important and what’s not, a lifestyle in which things are prioritized by importance. While minimalism does include getting rid of the things you don’t need, it is not equal to simple uncluttering.

Becoming a minimalist doesn’t mean that you’ll have to give up all your expensive toys and luxuries. Living a minimalistic lifestyle does mean living like a person with no means. Minimalism is about living with purpose and being clear about what is important. It embraces the things that are necessary and creates a fine line between them and the stuff that you don’t really want or need.

Minimalism takes its roots from a number of places, including Christian books, Sharman Indian traditions, and thought leaders like Confucius.

The term became popular in the West in the mid-sixties and people started talking about the need to keep their lives and things in them simple, yet efficient. It was a revolutionary concept at the time when most of the people were looking to obtain more and more materialistic possessions.

Michael T Haas

Modern Minimalism is based on several very simple principles.

Own Only the Things that You Really Need

Today, even children seem to have lists of things that they absolutely need. Often these lists include the latest iPhones, iPads, and other things that people lived without for centuries. Minimalism is about not blindly following the suggestions of marketers who are always looking to sell the next new shiny thing. It is about asking yourself about whether you really need a new device, item, or piece of clothing.

Getting Rid of Clutter

You may be trying really hard not to buy the things that you don’t need, but even when you do, you will probably find yourself accumulating clutter. That’s all the stuff that occupies space in your home and your life without adding any value to it. Minimalists believe that clutter doesn’t equal to useless things. Sometimes it includes useless and empty relationships, people, and emotions.

The best way to deal with clutter is to know what you want out of life. Think about what makes you happy and what drags you down or doesn’t matter to you. Make lists of these desires, things, and emotions like Michael T Haas would do.

Michael T. Haas – Simple Steps to Financial Security

Michael T. Haas, a Senior Partner in Direct Invest USA Holdings, LLC., is an investment professional with years of experience. He has also built valuable financial security for himself and his loved ones through intelligent planning, which is in addition to the large sums of money that he has donated to causes he believes in.

Michael T Haas

If the financial security of someone like Michael T. Haas feels out of reach to you, it’s likely because you don’t have a plan. If used correctly, the following simple steps will help almost anyone as a basic financial security plan:

Save – Saving your money is one of the best things that you can do for your finances. Having a decent-sized savings can help you avoid debt, or it can be a fun goal for when you pay off existing debt. Make goals for your savings, like going on a vacation, to motivate you to put more into it. If you have a hard time saving, set up an automatic monthly transfer so that you don’t have to think about it.

Expect the Worst – Apart from your savings, you should have an emergency fund and basic insurance. Your emergency fund should contain enough to cover three months of living expenses.

Plan Your Retirement – Invest in a Roth IRA, a 401(k) or both. These accounts let you prepare to retire, and they’re vital because no one can work forever.

Remember that professionals like Michael T. Haas rarely reach the top without years of effort, many struggles and several revised plans. Financial security isn’t an overnight achievement, but if you keep trying, you can make it an assured one.

Michael T. Haas – Beginner Investment Wisdom

Michael T. Haas is a financial and real estate professional with years of investment experience and success. Though the seasoned pros often make investing look easy and fun, beginners shouldn’t jump into the field without making sure that they’re well-educated.

Those with the experience of someone like Michael T. Haas will often impart wisdom such as the points outlined below to all new investors:

  • Don’t Put All of Your Eggs in One Basket – Diversification is among the most important investment rules, and it can be remembered with the classic adage of “don’t put all of your eggs in one basket.” Your investment funds should be spread across different types of investments for the security. A complete stock and bond portfolio with global diversification is best.
  • Fees are Part of the Deal – Investing is rarely free. Investment professionals charge fees, as do investment platforms and other options like mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Know your fees before you invest and remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
  • Taxes are Still Relevant – Taxes will likely have a big impact on your investments. When you cash out, you’ll have to pay capital-gain taxes, and various factors will affect how much you owe. For example, long-term investing is cheaper than short-term investing, and you can contribute to a 401(k) plan tax-free (until you withdraw your funds, that is).

If possible, look around your area for a seasoned professional similar to Michael T. Haas and request mentorship aid. Often, these businesspeople will happily help you begin your investing career through mentoring.


Michael T. Haas – Minimalism for the Win

Michael T. Haas is a driven professional with decades of experience and a track record of success. He leads a simple life with a focus on minimalism to guide him in both career-related and personal endeavors.

Michael T Haas

If your first thought about minimalism is interior décor, you’re missing the elements that often attract pros like Michael T. Haas. Consider the following first steps for living a minimalist life and you’ll see how they double as perks:

Save Money – Creating an emergency fund can simplify everything. Minimalists often place saving at least $1,000 above paying off debt so that, if an emergency arises, handling it is easy. This reduces stress and makes issues pass more quickly.

List the “Whys” – Many minimalists begin with a list of whys. This list includes all of the reasons that they wish to simplify their lives, and it can serve as daily motivation. Your list might include things like getting out of debt, hating your boss or wanting more time for you; whatever your motivators are, write them down. This helps organize your mind, motivate you and give you a heading.

Decluttered Work and Living Spaces – Decluttering your spaces makes them more functional and less stressful. Even if you start with just a small clutter-free spot in your home or office, and then expand it slowly, it can help you be more organized and less hectic from day one.

If you plan to incorporate minimalism into your routine, don’t begin be emulating those like Michael T. Haas. Instead, find your own way of minimalism so that it will best benefit your life.

Michael T. Haas – Exercise to Shape Up Your Career

Michael T. Haas, a successful venture capital investor, is a motivated entrepreneur who works to improve both himself and his career whenever possible. Like many driven professionals, one of the ways that he maintains both is through regular exercise.

Michael T Haas

It’s no coincidence that successful professionals like Michael T. Haas often have killer workout routines. In fact, the benefits of exercise provide a number of perks that can help you go further in your career. For example, by starting an exercise routine, you naturally do the following:

  • Oxygenate Your Brain – Your brain uses approximately twenty-percent of the oxygen circulated in your blood with each pump of your heart. Because exercise increases your pulse, it causes blood to circulate to your brain more frequently, which allows it to absorb more oxygen. An oxygenated brain is a healthy brain, and it might improve your memory or help you think faster, both of which offer obvious benefits in the workplace.
  • Increase Energy and Reduce Fatigue – A tired, low-energy businessperson is unlikely to keep up with energetic peers. Because exercise combats fatigue and increases energy, even in those suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome, it can give you more of an edge than coffee ever will.
  • Reduce Anxiety and Depression – Modern depression and anxiety treatments often involve an exercise routine, and with good reason. Exercise regulates hormones and, even in individuals without diagnosable conditions, it helps even moods and make people’s emotions more stable in all situations.

Don’t take the word of pros like Michael T. Haas on the benefits of exercise. Instead, try it for yourself. Follow a regular exercise routine – with at least 150 minutes of activity per week – for around three months and you’ll see the difference that it makes in your life.

Michael T Haas – How To Maintain Good Professional Relationships

As Michael T Haas understands himself, forming business relationships is only a small part of networking. The real work comes in trying to maintain those relationships so that they can bear fruit at a later date. This is something that many new business professionals struggle with, so try to keep the following in mind to make sure your connections are as strong as possible.

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Communicate Regularly
If you fail to initiate communication with your contacts or, even worse, ignore emails and phone calls when they come in, you are soon going to develop a reputation as somebody who can’t be relied upon to maintain new relationships. Make sure that you communicate regularly with the people in your network, even if it is just to check up on how somebody is.

Provide Something
Most business relationships are built around the idea of providing something in return for something else. As such, you need to be able to offer your contacts something other than your sparkling personality to keep their collective interest. Provide expertise, services or anything else that you can think of to help strengthen the relationship, but make sure you get something worthwhile in return.

Ask Questions
By asking questions of your contact, Michael T Haas notes that you establish that you trust the contact’s opinions on a subject. This can be vital for developing strong relationships, as it shows that you are willing to rely on your contact, which in turn indicates that they will be able to do the same of you when needed.

Michael T Haas – Pointers For New Project Managers

As an experienced real estate developer, Michael T Haas has been involved in a number of complex projects that needed to be effectively managed to ensure that they reached satisfying conclusions for all key stakeholders. Managing a project, regardless of its size, can be difficult for those who have never assumed such a position of responsibility before, so keep these pointers in mind to stand the best chance of success.

Michael T Haas

Get To Know Your Team

Your project’s success is dependent on how well the people in your team are able to work together, so make sure that you get to know each individual. Not only will this give you a better idea of what motivates each person on the team, but it will also show that you have a human side as well, making people feel more comfortable when communicating with you.

Define Your Goal

Every project needs to have an end goal in mind, so make sure that you define yours as early as possible. You can then build milestones around this goal and start developing tasks that can be assigned to members of your team. If the project feels aimless, it is likely that motivation will start to dip, soon to be followed by productivity.

Communicate Well

Michael T Haas understands that effective communication is essential to the success of large projects. Make sure that you are clear and concise when giving instructions to your team members, plus be sure to understand the importance of maintaining regular and respectful communication with clients and project stakeholders.


Michael T Haas – Real Estate Investment Tips For Beginners

Though he now has more than twenty years of experience as a real estate developer and investor, focusing primarily on commercial properties, Michael T Haas still remembers just how difficult it was to develop a reputation in the industry and how hard it can be to make sound choices in regards to investments. These pointers should help any new investors decide how best to make use of their money.

Start Small

Jumping straight into large-scale commercial opportunities may seem like a good idea, due to the fact that they often offer greater rewards should success be achieved, but the associated workload may be too much for those who are just getting started with the industry. Instead, try starting small by investing in a residential property, so that you can get a basic idea for the processes you will need to have in place for larger projects.


The people that you meet are often going to have a big influence on your professional development and direction. More experienced investors will be able to offer you advice in addition to potentially presenting you with opportunities. Be respectful to everybody that you meet and take advantage of any opportunity that you have to learn.

Stay Logical

While it is important to have a passion for what you are doing, Michael T Haas notes that this should not cloud your judgment when selecting investments. Don’t let emotion get in the way of your business and make sure that you approach every decision that you make logically, having carried out extensive prior research.


Michael T Haas – Tips For New Real Estate Developers

Michael T Haas is an experienced real estate developer who has been in the industry for around two decades, primarily developing commercial properties for lease to other companies. He now has the benefit of all of that experience when making decisions about projects to invest in, so these tips will be useful for anybody who is just starting out and can’t draw on similar experiences.

Study Price Trends
Before you choose to invest in any commercial real estate opportunity, you should always take a little bit of time to research the price trends in the local area. Make sure that the amount that you are paying is in-line with similar investments made by others, using data that is as current as possible. Be wary of any investment that is at the upper end of the price scale.

Consider Catalysts
Consider the things that could happen that may act as a catalyst for development in an area. For example, investment into infrastructure by the local authorities will often lead to the development of new business premises and easier commuting for workers or shoppers. This means that commercial real estate development opportunities become all the more appealing, while also having a higher chance of success.

Keep To Your Budgets
At no point should you lose sight of your budget in your efforts to chase a real estate investment. Michael T Haas is quick to point out that other opportunities will come along if you exercise a little bit of patience. Make sure to keep this in mind and don’t put yourself in a dangerous position.

Michael T. Haas – The Importance of Spending Time with Family

Michael T. Haas enjoys spending time with family when he is not working with clients or investing funds. He regularly plays world class croquet with his parents, and he always looks forward to having fun with his children and step children. Many professionals have busy work schedules and work hard to build their careers. However, it is always important to make time for family, no matter how busy your work schedule is.

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Spending quality time with your family is a great way to relax. Many professionals are faced with an abundance of stress every day at work. Going home and enjoying some quiet time with family is a great way to let go of that stress and relax. This time can help you mentally prepare for your next day in the office.

It is important to begin building bonds with your family and children early on. Even if you are busy, you should take the time to get to know your children as they grow up. This is an important time and can result in great relationships.

A weekend with your family is a great way to recharge. After a long week of work, you should go on a small trip, or just have some fun with your family. Getting out of the office and having some fun will help you prepare for your next project or challenge. Michael T. Haas is a successful investor and a senior partner with Direct Invest USA. After a long week of work, he enjoys having fun with his family.